The snmpd could be usefull for monitoring and graphing network activity, load and such.
Configure Net-SNMP by running something like:
./configure --enable-mini-agent \ --host=avr32-linux \ --with-endianness=big \ --with-default-snmp-version=3 \ --with-sys-contact="[email protected]" \ --with-sys-location=Home \ --with-logfile=/var/log/snmpd.log \ --with-persistent-directory=/var/net-snmp \ --disable-shared \ --enable-static \ --disable-applications \ --without-rpm \ --without-dmalloc \ --without-efence \ --without-rsaref \ --enable-mini-agent \ --with-defaults \ --prefix=/usr \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --disable-manuals \ --disable-debugging \ --disable-scripts \ --disable-mibs \ --disable-mib-loading \ --disable-ipv6 \ --with-mib-modules="snmpv3mibs host smux ucd-snmp/proc ucd-snmp/loadave ucd-snmp/memory ucd-snmp/vmstat ucd-snmp/dlmod agent_mibs agentx target" \ --with-install-prefix=make make install
If you have a bit of free space in your filesystem you may want to remove the --with-mib-modules line and just let net-snmp build the default set. This is especially true if you are looking to extend the functionality of net-snmp in any way.
You should now have a snmpd binary in
There is a EXAMPLE.conf included in the source package; copy it to /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf and do what ever changes you want. You have to set up community to security map, the rest is pretty much working ok as default.
If you have any problems, you may want to replace this config file with about the simplest one you can get away with, just a single line reading :
rwcommunity publicAlso don't forget to check your log file, /var/log/snmpd.log
Start snmpd on the AVR:
snmpdIf you leave the bind address blank, the daemon will listen on UDP port 161. This default works fine for most tasks.
From another computer you should now be able to run snmpwalk:
snmpwalk -v 1 -c
Or point Munin at it:
* Munin monitoring network traffic on eth0 on a NGW100:
* Munin monitoring load on a NGW100: