Qtopia - GUI framework

Download the source code and qtopia-4.3.2-add-avr32-arch.patch for avr32 support. Direct link to the correct version of source here, but please try the mirrors first.

To get this to compile and link you will need the latest GCC (4.2.1 or above) and binutils (2.17 or above). You will also need a kernel capable of Sys V IPC, the current 2.6.18 shipped with BSP 2.0 beta does not support this, anything later should do.

Building Qtopia 4.3.2

./configure -prefix /usr -debug -embedded avr32 -big-endian -system-libmng -depths 8,16,24,32 \ -no-qt3support -confirm-license -qt-gif -docdir /usr/share/qt4/doc -plugindir /usr/share/qt4/plugins -datadir /usr/share/qt4 -translationdir /usr/share/qt4/translations -sysconfdir /etc/qt4 -examplesdir /usr/share/qt4/examples -demosdir /usr/share/qt4/demos

Building Qtopia 4.2.4

Apply the patch and then make the "start" script executable (chmod +x start) Change your config options in the start script using a text editor. Create a build directory next to the qtopia source directory mkdir build. Change to the build directory cd build and run: ../qtopia-opensource-4.2.4/start Then make. Centuries later, after make finishes, run make install. This creates a directory called image inside the build directory. Copy the contents of this directory to your SD card (/usr/avr32-linux) to install Qtopia.

Tested versions

Qtopia Core 4.2.2, and 4.2.4 examples and demos.


4.2.2: ~ > /usr/share/qt4/demos/interview/interview -qws

4.2.4: ~ > qpe start



My colors were wrong on the NGW100 with 16-bit color when running Qtopia 4.2.4, therefore, further patching to fix the RGB/BGR switch will be necessary. I have not worked on this however.

* qtopia-opensource-4.2.4-avr32.patch.tar.bz2: Qtopia 4.2.4 patch for AVR32

* Qtopia 4.2.4 on NGW100:

* qtopia-4.3.2-add-avr32-arch.patch: qtopia-4.3.2-add-avr32-arch.patch

Attachment sort Action Size Date Who Comment
jpgqtopia.jpg manage 168.5 K 29 Oct 2007 - 00:01 JohnVoltz Qtopia 4.2.4 on NGW100
elseqtopia-4.2.3-add-avr32-arch-1.patch manage 200.0 K 27 Dec 2007 - 16:35 JohnVoltz Original patch by JoUthus (moved)
elseqtopia-4.3.2-add-avr32-arch.patch manage 212.2 K 26 Nov 2007 - 06:52 HansChristianEgtvedt Qtopia 4.3.2 patch for AVR32