...your main source of everything AVR32 Linux


Development Tools for AVR32

The GNU Toolchain

The GNU toolchain consists of GnuCompilerCollection, GnuBinutils and GnuDeBugger. At the moment, this is the only toolchain capable of compiling the LinuxKernel and LinuxApplications in general, so you definitely need these in order to do any development on AVR32 Linux. For more information about how to install these, see the GettingStarted section. This page is mostly concerned with developing the tools themselves.


The graphical debugger frontend for gdb. Insight can be downloaded here. Simply apply the patch and build it:

wget ftp://sourceware.org/pub/insight/releases/insight-6.4.tar.bz2
tar -xvf insight-6.4.tar.bz2
bzip2 -d insight-6.4-avr32-2.1.3.patch.bz2
cd insight-6.4
patch -p1 < ../insight-6.4-avr32-2.1.3.patch
mkdir ../insight-6.4-avr32-build
cd ../insight-6.4-avr32-build
../insight-6.4/configure --target=avr32-linux --prefix=/opt/insight-avr32
sudo make install


There has been some work by various people to make BuildRoot usable for building avr32 filesystem images. You can get the official Atmel buildroot releases here. There is now a public fork of buildroot available based on the Atmel buildroot that also includes new features. The new features include X.org 7.3, kernel 2.6.24, and an expanded NGW100 configuration that supports audio, video, wireless networking, touchscreens, and PS/2. There are also several bugfixes for the existing packages. It also includes WebKit, and the Midori web browser.

The expanded NGW100 configuration can be run by the following:

make atngw100_expanded_defconfig
make menuconfig

Build Scripts

There are some build scripts, based on the ones provided on BSP or not.

  • CorreaBuildSystem :python/xml based scripts for building/managing multiple variations (perhaps diferent products based on avr32).


Openembedded (aka oe) is a meta Toolchain to create and build distributions suited for embedded devices. Find general details to oe at www.openembedded.org

  • AVR32 support was added by koen and steliosk. It is still preliminary but yet usable. To start you need at least the following configurations in your local.conf:
TARGET_OS = "linux-uclibc"
MACHINE = "atngw100"
DISTRO = "angstrom-2008.1"
ANGSTROM_MODE = "uclibc"

Build a small general image by bitbake minimal-image

prebuild images and ipk packages can soon be found at

r19 - 21 Aug 2008 - 11:12 - AlexRaimondi
  Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
else buildroot-avr32-v2.2.0.tar.bz2 props, move 0.1 K 06 Feb 2008 - 23:08 JohnVoltz Please delete
else insight-6.4-avr32-2.1.3.patch.bz2 props, move 184.4 K 28 Jun 2008 - 18:00 JohnVoltz Patch to add AVR32 support to Insight 6.4
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