...your main source of everything AVR32 Linux



Compiling netcat:

 patch -p1 < netcat-0.7.1.patch
 ./configure --host=avr32-linux --prefix=/usr/avr32-linux
 sudo make install

The only files you need are /usr/avr32-linux/bin/netcat and its symlink /usr/avr32-linux/bin/nc

Instead of applying the patch, you can also get a newer config.sub file.

* netcat-0.7.1.patch: Add avr32 support in config.sub

* netcat-0.7.1-avr32-bin.tar.gz: Netcat 0.7.1 stripped binary for avr32

r1 - 01 Apr 2008 - 13:51 - AmandTihon
  Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
else netcat-0.7.1.patch props, move 0.5 K 01 Apr 2008 - 13:46 AmandTihon Add avr32 support in config.sub
else netcat-0.7.1-avr32-bin.tar.gz props, move 14.8 K 01 Apr 2008 - 13:49 AmandTihon Netcat 0.7.1 stripped binary for AVR32
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