...your main source of everything AVR32 Linux


FrankBennett - 06 Jun 2007

My AVR32 Build Notes:

I'm up (minicom 115200 8N1)

~ # uname -a
Linux ngw.example.net 2.6.18-atngw #1 Fri Apr 27 13:45:58 CEST 2007 avr32 unknown
~ # ls
bin      etc      linuxrc  mnt      sys      usr      x
config   home     list     proc     tmp      var
dev      lib      media    sbin     uImage   www
~ # df
Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root                 8000      6572      1428  82% /
dev                      15468         0     15468   0% /dev
tmp                      15468         0     15468   0% /tmp
run                      15468         0     15468   0% /var/run
samba                    15468         0     15468   0% /var/lib/samba
log                      15468        12     15456   0% /var/log
/dev/mtdblock3            8448      8180       268  97% /usr
/dev/mmcblk0p1          246912       576    246336   0% /x
~ # lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by    Not tainted
atmel_mci               7808  0
mmc_block               4712  2
mmc_core               15056  2 atmel_mci,mmc_block
vfat                    8288  1
fat                    36668  1 vfat

Need to be sure I have a backup image before I putz with the Network setup.

My Previous Embedded Project Methods

  • Power PC - MPC5200, Linux-2.4.25
  • Cross_tool set - Denx - Embedded Linux Development Kit (ELDK)
    • ppc-linux-gcc, etc.
    • x86 server
      • cross_tools
      • tftp
      • NFS server
      • subversion
      • gedit for non-vi folks
  • u-boot (/dev/mtd0)
    • JTAG programmed (BDI2000) via tftp
    • env shared with Linux
  • kernel (/dev/mtd1)
    • u-boot programmed via tftp
  • rootfs - user space (/dev/mtd2)
    • NFS mounted for application/driver development (BIG)
      • application developed without reboot
      • drivers initially modules
    • target rootfs
      • used denmkrootfs script (mostly mkdir, cp) to copy BIG NFS fs to small rootfs
      • jffs2 small rootfs -> image
      • ftp image to target
      • linux cp image /dev/mtd2
      • change u-boot env, reboot
    • applications
      • Embedded web appliance
        • Configure Wizard
        • mini-http (boa didn't support authenication)
      • busybox
      • Data Acquisition
      • Floating Point Flow calculations
      • Legacy LCD, 5 button user I/F
      • Posix Threads, shm
  • app info (/dev/mtd3)
    • mounted to rootfs
    • application: open, read, write, close
    • error log & config data, ftp access
  • env (/dev/mtd4)
    • shared between u-boot & linux
    • setenv, printenv
    • IP address, netmask, etc

T2 Build Adventure

  • LinuxDevices T2 Intro
  • T2 home page
  • T2 Online Howto Book
  • svn co http://svn.exactcode.de/t2/trunk t2-trunk
  • working in /opt/avr32/svn/t2-trunk
    • svn st to see whatś new or changed
  • needed, fairly new, packages on build machine
    • autoconf, automake, make
    • ncurses
    • curl
    • bison, flex
    • makeinfo (texinfo)
  • ./scripts/Config
    • select Generic embedded, avr32, cross build
    • annoying how the config window goes away, then comes back!
  • ./scripts/Download -required
  • ./scripts/Build-Target
    • cross-tools - built
    • Building filesystem/squashfs-tools [3.2 7.0-trunk] trouble
      • did a - ./scripts/Emerge-Pkg libz
      • fixed the build ( missing libz dependency? )
  • ./scripts/Build-Target ....
  • T2 currently set up for full system local or cross build, embedded little support, no:
    • u-boot
    • busybox
  • I like buildroot best so far (more below)

Atmel git repos:

git clone git://www.atmel.no/~hskinnemoen/linux/kernel/avr32.git
works to clone a local copy of the kernel
git clone git://www.atmel.no/~hskinnemoen/linux/u-boot/avr32.git
works to clone a local copy of u-boot

BSP-CD build-linux-environment.sh Notes

  • build_u-boot/ avr32-makefile-modifications.patch:
    • was +CROSS_COMPILE = avr32-
    • sb +CROSS_COMPILE = avr32-linux-
    • and might be good idea to wrap with
      • ifndef CROSS_COMPILE
    • this fixes build-uboot
  • build_flash_upgrade - broke!
  • what rebuild u-boot again?...woof !
  • build_uclibc - broke!
  • build_kernel - broke!
  • Forget this script

buildroot - part of uclibc project

  • BuildRoot website
  • trying: revision 18803
  • partial avr32 support, active : svn co svn://uclibc.org/trunk/buildroot
    • no board selection yet
    • need config sub-menu for u-boot, linux kernel (make menuconfig)
  • like:
    • Configuration menu is responsive & doesn't go away for each selection
    • downloads selected tool version, only if it hasn't been download before
    • applies patches to supported tool versions
  • make menuconfig - select :
    • Target Arch (avr32)
    • GNU target suffix (linux) ??
    • Toolchain Options -> like how you can select tool versions :
      • Linux 2.6.20
      • uClinc 0.9.29
      • binutils 2.16.1-atmel.0.99.2
        • after changing toolchain/binutils/Config.in
        • adding atmel path toolchain/binutils/binutils.mk
      • worked !
    • toolchain/gcc - tried to add gcc 4.0.2a
      • 4.0.2/ has a bunch of patches
      • the gcc-4.0.2-atmel patch is relative to 4.0.2 also
      • need to get gcc-4.0.2 from gcc, but the patch from atmel
    • bottom line - merging patches, for different architectures is complicated
    • buildroot approach has patches in svn distribution
    • I hate working with patches...wonder if git solves this arch/revision/branch problem
    • Atmel or an avr32 interest group need to have a way of an auto checkout & build process
      • or have a complete set of patched tool versions available via wget

buildroot-avr32 (Atmel's Haavard's work)

yes, a promising automatic build script similar to DENX ELDK

https://avr32linux.org/twiki/pub/Main/HaavardSkinnemoen/buildroot-avr32.tar.gz (the patch file has an older date than the file??)

$ tar zvtf buildroot-avr32.tar.gz : produces funny paths:

   drwxrwxrwx git/git           0 2007-04-16 09:27:09 buildrootdocs/
   drwxrwxrwx git/git           0 2007-04-16 09:27:09 buildrootpackage/
   drwxrwxrwx git/git           0 2007-04-16 09:27:09 buildroottarget/
looks like a git repo?

By hand I did some mv re-org to get
  • /opt/avr32/buildroot
  • /opt/avr32/buildroot/docs
  • /opt/avr32/buildroot/package
  • etc


make menuconfig
select avr32

script required an upgrade to Local Host
GNU Make 3.81

make dies
    **** BFD does not support target avr32-unknown-linux-uclibc.
    **** Look in bfd/config.bfd for supported targets.
    make[2]: *** [configure-bfd] Error 1
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/opt/avr32/buildroot/toolchain_build_avr32/binutils-'
    make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/opt/avr32/buildroot/toolchain_build_avr32/binutils-'
    make: **** [/opt/avr32/buildroot/toolchain_build_avr32/binutils-] Error 2

r28 - 27 Mar 2008 - 22:42 - FrankBennett
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