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AVR32 Linux Site News

2007-07-12 21:48 Linux 2.6.22.atmel.2 released
Linux 2.6.22.atmel.2, containing a small handful of improvements upon the 2.6.22.atmel.1 release, has been released. For more information and downloads, please see the LinuxPatches page.
2007-07-09 22:05 Linux 2.6.22 released…
…shortly followed by 2.6.22.atmel.1, containing many additional drivers and a few other improvements. Grab it from the LinuxPatches page and give it a spin. Please see the announcement for details.
2007-06-15 21:50 Mailing lists created
Two new mailing lists have been created: "kernel" for kernel-related discussions and "u-boot" for bootloader-related discussions. Read more at the MailingLists page.
2007-03-04 15:34 New 2.6.20 patchsets, CompactFlash driver
New AVR32 Linux kernel patchsets based on the 2.6.20 kernel have been released. Preliminary patches adding support for CompactFlash have also been added.
2007-02-10 15:53 Linux 2.6.20 released
Linux 2.6.20 was released last sunday, with support for the MACB driver out of the box and a handful of other AVR32-related fixes and improvements.

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r8 - 04 Mar 2007 - 15:32 - HaavardSkinnemoen
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