...your main source of everything AVR32 Linux



To take screen shots of an X Window screen, from another Linux machine, simply run the following command (with servername being the IP address or hostname of your AVR32 board):

import -window root -display servername:0 myfile01.pcx

Access control will also need to be turned off by using the -ac flag when starting X on the AVR32.

Here is a screenshot application called that can be run on the AVR32.

fbgrab myfile01.png

* fbgrab-1.0-avr32.tar.bz2: fbgrab binary for AVR32

fbgrab can be built from source with the following command line:

avr32-linux-gcc -O2 -I/usr/avr32-linux/include -L/usr/avr32-linux/lib -lpng -lz -lc -lm fbgrab.c -o fbgrab

r2 - 29 Oct 2007 - 00:41 - JohnVoltz
  Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
else fbgrab-1.0-avr32.tar.bz2 props, move 5.1 K 29 Oct 2007 - 00:34 JohnVoltz fbgrab binary for AVR32
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