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User Form

This form defines the form of the home pages of registered TWiki users listed in TWikiUsers.

Name Type Size Values Tooltip message
FirstName text 40    
LastName text 40    
OrganisationName text 40    
OrganisationURL text 40    
Profession text 40    
Country text 40    
State text 40    
Address text 40    
Location text 40    
Telephone text 40    
VoIP text 40    
InstantMessaging (IM) textarea 60x6   (One account pr. line, if several)
Email text 40    
HomePage text 40    
Comment textarea 60x12    

Related topics: TWikiUsers, TWikiForms, TWikiRegistration

r1 - 27 Mar 2005 - 13:14 - TWikiContributor
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