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  • buildroot-avr32.patch.gz: Buildroot patch against 20070220 snapshot
  • buildroot-avr32.tar.gz: Buildroot for AVR32 based on 20070220 snapshot

The initialization scripts

The InitScripts? used by the STK1000 BSP are extremely simple. Basically, it's just a single script that makes sure that all mandatory FileSystems?, like ProcFS and SysFS, are mounted and that any necessary DeviceNodes? under /dev are created.

Although this system is easy to understand and customize, it might be necessary with a more elaborate scheme at some point. IBM DeveloperWorks has an article about starting services in parallel.

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FirstName: Håvard
LastName: Skinnemoen



Country: Norway





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r9 - 02 May 2007 - 07:36 - HaavardSkinnemoen
  Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
else buildroot-avr32.patch.gz props, move 1318.0 K 02 May 2007 - 07:27 HaavardSkinnemoen Buildroot patch against 20070220 snapshot
else buildroot-avr32.tar.gz props, move 5629.2 K 02 May 2007 - 07:28 HaavardSkinnemoen Buildroot for AVR32 based on 20070220 snapshot
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