...your main source of everything AVR32 Linux


GCC Patches for AVR32

GCC 4.2.2.atmel.1.0.8

Fixes for GCC 4.2.2.atmel.1.0.8

GCC 4.2.2.atmel.1.0.6

Fixes for GCC 4.2.2.atmel.1.0.6

GCC 4.2.1.atmel.1.3.2

GCC 4.1.2-avr32-2.1

  • gcc-4.1.2-avr32-2.1.patch.tar.bz2: AVR32 patch against GCC 4.1.2

GCC 4.0.2.atmel.0.99.2

This patch contains a few bugfixes since the last version.

Older patches

C++ compiler fix for internal compiler error: in cp_expr_size

r12 - 19 Sep 2008 - 14:07 - HansChristianEgtvedt
  Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
else gcc-4.0.2-atmel.0.99.2.patch.bz2 props, move 145.0 K 03 Jan 2007 - 15:55 HaavardSkinnemoen AVR32 patch against GCC 4.0.2
else gcc-4.2.1-avr32-atmel.1.3.2.patch.bz2 props, move 114.8 K 25 Mar 2008 - 11:47 JohnVoltz GCC 4.2.1
else 902-avr32-fix-sync-insn-instructions.patch props, move 5.4 K 30 Jun 2008 - 12:11 HansChristianEgtvedt Fix for the builtin sync operations
else gcc-4.2.2.atmel.1.0.6.patch.bz2 props, move 158.9 K 26 Mar 2008 - 12:37 HansChristianEgtvedt AVR32 patch against GCC 4.2.2
else gcc-4.2.2.atmel.1.0.8.tar.bz2 props, move 43236.2 K 03 Apr 2008 - 06:06 HansChristianEgtvedt GCC 4.2.2 prepatched with 4.2.2.atmel.1.0.8 patch
else gcc-4.2.1-avr32-patches.tar.bz2 props, move 5.7 K 25 Mar 2008 - 11:57 JohnVoltz More GCC 4.2.1 patches
else 905-avr32-optimize-movsf2-use-movh-to-move-immediates-into-register.patch props, move 1.3 K 19 Sep 2008 - 14:07 HansChristianEgtvedt Optimize movsf2 to use movh to move immediates into register
else 904-avr32-fix-conditional-insn-which-clobbers-cc_status.patch props, move 4.2 K 19 Sep 2008 - 14:06 HansChristianEgtvedt Fix conditional insns which clobbers cc_status
else gcc-4.1.2-avr32-2.1.patch.tar.bz2 props, move 130.0 K 25 Mar 2008 - 11:52 JohnVoltz GCC 4.1.2
else gcc-4.2.2.atmel.1.0.6.tar.bz2 props, move 43234.3 K 26 Mar 2008 - 13:30 HansChristianEgtvedt GCC 4.2.2 prepatched with 4.2.2.atmel.1.0.6 patch
else gcc-4.2.2.atmel.1.0.8.patch.bz2 props, move 159.0 K 03 Apr 2008 - 06:04 HansChristianEgtvedt AVR32 patch v1.0.8 against GCC 4.2.2
else 901-avr32-fix-no-cond-exec-before-reload.patch props, move 1.2 K 30 Jun 2008 - 12:12 HansChristianEgtvedt Fix no conditional execution before reload
else gcc-4.2.2.atmel.1.0.6-avr32-do-not-move-memory-loads-out.patch.bz2 props, move 0.4 K 26 Mar 2008 - 13:28 HansChristianEgtvedt Fix for not moving memory loads outside insn
else 903-avr32-fix-removal-of-redundant-cast-operations.patch props, move 0.5 K 30 Jun 2008 - 12:11 HansChristianEgtvedt Fix when removing redundant cast operations
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